The only cock fighting I know about happens weekdays at 9:00pm with Fantone.  However, I just found out about one in India that ended with a death.

A rooster owner in India (Singrai Soren) died trying to push his "cock" back into the ring after the bird had already won a match.  Apparently the rooster was not ready for another round because it cut the owner with the razor blades that were attached to its legs.

An eyewitness named Dasai told "The Sun", quote:

"The rooster tried to get away from the ring several times but Soren tried to push him into the ring repeatedly.  This upset him and he attacked".

Dasai went on to say that most "cocks" are used to an hour long break in between fights.  Now that is funny!

I guess this proves that a cock has a mind of it's own!

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