Despite being shot, stabbed and forced to watch her children being murdered, Faith Green delivered a detailed victim statement as she faced her ex-husband/killer in court.

Gregory Green pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in September of 2016's carbon monoxide poisonings of Koi and Kaleigh Green -- ages 5 and 4 -- and the shooting deaths of Chadney and Kara Allen -- 19 and 17 -- in his Dearborn Heights home. Green was sentenced 47-102 years.

Faith Green, was shot and slashed but survived. She was mother to all four children. Gregory Green was biological father to Koi and Kaleigh.

Gregory Green previously spent 16 years in prison for killing his first wife, who was pregnant.

This man was an absolute monster and was seriously put in his place when Faith Green faced him in court earlier this week.

This scumbag won't be eligible for parole until he's 97 years old.

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