'Real Rock Adventures' is the brainchild of former Bananan 101.5 air personality and Machine Shop drink slinger, Andrea Love.  Accroding to the official RRA with Andrea Love  Facebook page, the show itself is an interactive web series documenting the fun of the rock music community as a whole. Musicians, fans, industry professionals...humans

The first episode (see below) features Pop Evil bassist Matt DiRito. Andrea and Matt spend the day in Detroit at a shooting range, share great conversation and most important - get lunch at White Castle. I have known both Matt and Andrea for years and I am beyond happy that Matt was her first guest. I am super pumped for Andrea and her show. We all miss her here at the Banana, but she is living her dream now in California and I could not be prouder. I can't wait to see her next Real Rock Adventure and who she brings along for the ride. Check out the video, and be sure to give Andrea Love some love.

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