
Chewy Gets Checked By TSA Over Light Saber Cane [PICS]
Chewy Gets Checked By TSA Over Light Saber Cane [PICS]
Chewy Gets Checked By TSA Over Light Saber Cane [PICS]
Once again TSA goes all ballistic over something completely harmless. This time it's over a light saber cane that actually belong to Peter Mayhew. What? what do you mean "Who's Peter Mayhew?" He's the dude that played Chewbacca the original Star Wars movies. Geez, get a clue, dude!
Han Solo Gets Pissed!
Han Solo Gets Pissed!
Han Solo Gets Pissed!
Harrison Ford was on Jimmy Kimmel and told the audience that he could not ask questions about the new "Star Wars" film.  Then all of a sudden Chewy appears in the audience for a question and bad memories are brought up.  This is hilarious.