
Elephant Flings Trunk-full of Waste at Zoo Goer [VIDEO]
Elephant Flings Trunk-full of Waste at Zoo Goer [VIDEO]
Elephant Flings Trunk-full of Waste at Zoo Goer [VIDEO]
When you go to the zoo, you have got to be prepared for anything.  Animals could break out of their cages, booger eating kids could totally ruin your trip or an elephant could throw a trunk-full of crap water all over you.
Elephant Bitch Slaps Dude
Elephant Bitch Slaps Dude
Elephant Bitch Slaps Dude
I never understand why people mess with animals.  Especially wild animals, that are friggin elephants.  But for some reason or another, this dude thinks it's a good idea to mess with an elephant while it was eating.  Dude is lucky he's not dead.