George Lucas

‘Star Wars’ Sequel in the Works Sans George Lucas – Lucasfilm Now Owned by Disney
‘Star Wars’ Sequel in the Works Sans George Lucas – Lucasfilm Now Owned by Disney
‘Star Wars’ Sequel in the Works Sans George Lucas – Lucasfilm Now Owned by Disney
George Lucas has been the master of 'Star Wars' since its inception and though spin-off cartoons and games have been the norm for years, the film series seemed done with after six movies. Disney has just purchased Lucasfilm for over four billion dollars, and have just announced that they're planning on a new movie for sometime in 2015.
George Lucas Pronounces ‘Star Wars’ Franchise Dead
George Lucas Pronounces ‘Star Wars’ Franchise Dead
George Lucas Pronounces ‘Star Wars’ Franchise Dead
Fanboys have long-salivated over the prospect of the once-planned 7th, 8th and 9th installments of the space opera we know affectionately as 'Star Wars.' Today Jedi-lovers everywhere felt a great disturbance in The Force, as creator George Lucas announced when the sequels would arrive -- never.
Star Wars Meets Pulp Fiction
Star Wars Meets Pulp Fiction
Star Wars Meets Pulp Fiction
So unless you suck at seeing movies, you know Pulp Fiction and Star Wars are two of the best films of all time. Watch what happens when you take these two masterpieces and mash them together.