
Nose Typist Sets Guiness World Record [VIDEO]
Nose Typist Sets Guiness World Record [VIDEO]
Nose Typist Sets Guiness World Record [VIDEO]
I have received many emails and text messages that look like they were typed by someones face due to spelling errors. Watch as one man actually types correctly with a facial feature, his nose. I should have Chris Monroe practice this, he can start typing his dumb ass Facebook posts with his nose, while smoking. Now that would be impressive.
Man Puts Live Snakes Through His Nose
Man Puts Live Snakes Through His Nose
Man Puts Live Snakes Through His Nose
In my day, I've put some things up my nose that I probably shouldn't have.  Fingers, a raisin, and one time I snorted a whole bunch of "make your wiener bigger" pills.  None of those are a good idea, but snakes is an even worse idea.  Check out this crazy ass dude.