
The Dark Knight XXX Trailer [VIDEO]
The Dark Knight XXX Trailer [VIDEO]
The Dark Knight XXX Trailer [VIDEO]
Most porn parodies don't hit the internet for at least a few weeks after the release date of the movie.  'The Dark Knight Rises' is an exception though.  Check out the trailer for the porn parody of the new Batman movie, 'The Dark Knight XXX'.
The Funniest Porn Intro Ever [VIDEO]
The Funniest Porn Intro Ever [VIDEO]
The Funniest Porn Intro Ever [VIDEO]
We've all watched them, some of us (me) more than others and we all know how ridiculous the dialogue can be. Well, the intro to this porno really takes the cake or in the this instance, the lemon meringue pie. This is the first porno that I've ever seen where the women are referred to as "lemon whores."