
London Riot Police Beat Down Footage
London Riot Police Beat Down Footage
London Riot Police Beat Down Footage
So the bloody ol' Brits are still at it.  I don't know if they are rioting over quality of dental insurance or having a Fish and Chips Revolution,  but riots have been going on in the UK over the past couple of days and it's provided for some good video footage.
Guy Throws Umbrella During Riot – Fails Miserably
Guy Throws Umbrella During Riot – Fails Miserably
Guy Throws Umbrella During Riot – Fails Miserably
There are a lot of different times you can fail at something, and everything will be alright.  One time you don't want to fail is during a riot.  But this dumbass did and you can watch his pathetic attempt at creating anarchy.
Vancouver Riot 2011 – Flash Bang Nutshot
Vancouver Riot 2011 – Flash Bang Nutshot
Vancouver Riot 2011 – Flash Bang Nutshot
So earlier I posted a video of a pretty brutal nutshot, at that point I thought it was the most brutal nutshot ever...I was wrong. This video is from the Vancouver Canucks Riot that took place earlier in the week. Wow, a flash bang to the balls, so not good for this dude. I'm so glad we got the slow motion version of this, makes it so much better and the dude's commentary is pretty funny too. Read