
5 Things To Do With Your Thanksgiving Leftovers [VIDEO]
5 Things To Do With Your Thanksgiving Leftovers [VIDEO]
5 Things To Do With Your Thanksgiving Leftovers [VIDEO]
I am not much in the kitchen. In fact I will not have any Thanksgiving leftovers since I never host the meal. However, you may be an actual adult that does indeed cook and will have turkey day leftovers. Here is a quick video of what you can make with that extra turkey, canned cranberries and last slice of pumpkin pie! Bon Jovi! Oh I mean Bon Appétit!
Man Deep Fries Leg & Turkey
Man Deep Fries Leg & Turkey
Man Deep Fries Leg & Turkey
Everything and practically everyone has gone to the birds.  Turkey birds that is.  On Thanksgiving Day, most of us will chow down on turkey whether deep fried, baked, broiled, microwaved or roasted.  One Illinois man however got a jump start on his turkey preparations last weekend, not only did he deep fry his turkey, he deep fried his damn leg!