Usually when you see a bearded lady it is at the circus. Three sisters in India fear a life of loneliness as they are covered head to toe in hair. The girls suffer from a condition known as Hypertrichosis, also commonly known as "Werewolf Syndrome".

According to the Daily Mail the girls inherited this from their father. The sisters appear extremely hairy and manly. They hope to one day have laser surgery to remove the access hair, but their family cannot afford it at this time. 

Savita, 23, Monisha, 18, and 16-year-old Savitri Sangli, have three other sisters who are not affected by the disease. The girls parents had an arranged marriage, so their mother had no idea her husband had the disease. That must of been quite a shock! Meet your soon to be husband who looks like a wolf man!

Like most girls, the sisters dream of one day being married, but do not count on it. They have lived a life mostly filled with taunts and teasing because of their unique appearances.

Seeing something like this really makes you count your blessings. I hope nothing but the best for these brave girls.

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