Give us your opinion on what music you love and/or hate with Rate the Rock. Your answers on this quick survey help us decide what gets played and qualifies you for tickets to Gigantour 2012 featuring Megadeth, Motorhead, Volbeat, and Lacuna Coil.

Our listeners are always very vocal about the songs they love and especially the ones they hate. If you want to voice your opinion in a forum where it will actually influence what we do and don't play, click through to Rate the Rock. It's a quick and easy music survey that plays brief song clips and gives you a few response options, often times those responses decide what gets bumped up in rotation and what gets dropped altogether.

Regardless of how quick and easy it is to Rate the Rock, we understand that everyone's time is precious. So to compensate you for your valuable time everyone who takes this month's survey is automatically qualified for a pair of tickets to see Gigantour 2012 February 9th at The Palace of Auburn Hills -- headlined by thrash metal pioneers Megadeth with support from Volbeat, Lacuna Coil, and the legendary Motorhead.

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