The North American black bear may have few natural predators in the wild, but when it comes to angry housewives, they know enough to run.

According to a series of videos on YouTube, the Grillo family had received a number of visits from a large, black bear strolling through their property. But when the bear makes the mistake of ambling onto their porch one too many times, the matriarch of the family, whose name is Nishanto, takes matters into her own hands.

The woman fearlessly confronts the bear and screams at it like she's taming a bad dog. "Get down! Right now! Go! No! No! Down!" she yells.

Of course, the bear does the only sensible thing and backs slowly away. Once he reaches the lawn, he hightails it out of there toward the treeline.

It's okay, Mr. Bear. She scares us too. Is there any room in the forest for both of us?

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