Bulldog Rips Off Dude’s Penis and Testicles
A 22-year-old man was put into a self-induced coma after an English bulldog attacked him and bit off his junk. Yes, he lost both nuts and his penis. Forget the coma, just put me down. I wouldn't even want to live after something so horrific.
This terrifying incident took place last weekend in East Lothian, Scotland.
According to Circa, when emergency crews arrived on the scene, they found the man unconscious in a pool of blood. The man lost his penis and both testicles as a result of the incident.
That is literally all the info that was released so far. So that leaves us with a lot of questions surrounding this story.
The only thing I want to know is if he was found with peanut butter. That's it, that's all need to know and all my questions will be answered.
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