Hafiia Mira — Babe of the Day
What do you use when you only want to see 50% of your reflection? Hafiia Mira! [insert rimshot here]
Go ahead, take a few minutes to laugh that one off before checking out today's sexy specimen. Just kidding, we know that was awful, but we also know what your here for and it's not good jokes.
Hafiia Mira is not your average ridiculously-hot-babe-on-Instagram, though she certainly is a ridiculously-hot-babe-on-Instagram. This model/fashion designer/yoga practitioner grew up in war-torn Kosovo, escaped with her family at age 8 to Canada, and is now an in-demand creative inspiration for the likes of Kanye West.
So yeah, she's led quite a life already. But today, we're going to focus mostly on her photogenic talents because good Lord, this woman is every kind of beautiful.
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