Deserted Detroit Hotel: A Casualty of the Pandemic
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Pandemic 2019-2022...oh, the fun we had.
The memories it created.
It was one of our worst periods.
Establishments permanently closed.
People lost their jobs.
Others died.
There is NOTHING good to say about that time in our history.
The images seen in the gallery below are of one of those places that was forced to shut down...and as far as I know, has not re-opened.
It was one of Detroit's luxurious hotels that appealed to those who could afford to stay. Once the pandemic hit, it shut down, and according to the videographer, "nothing was done to protect it from the elements."
The booze in the bar was left on the countertops and not put away.
Food remained in the cafeteria.
The pool was not drained.
The water fountain was turned off and dried out.
I hesitate to call this 'abandoned' because it was closed and deserted beyond the owners' control. With very little damage or vandalism, it's possible this place may re-open someday; but in the meantime, have a look at one of the casualties that occurred during one of our state's darkest moments...
Ritzy Hotel Closed by 2019 Pandemic