Livonia Carjacking Victim Is One Tough Lady [VIDEO]
When carjacking and robbery victim Gloria Kevelighan was asked what she would do to the man who attacked she had some choice words - 'I would kill the son of a bitch!'
The 88-year-old self described 'tough broad' was attacked outside of a Walmart in Livonia. Gloria was parked just 2 spaces from the door. She attempted to fight off the man attacking her with her cane, but he eventually pushed her to the ground.
Police did eventually recover Gloria's purse, vehicle and make two arrests. Jason Harold Malinas, 38, of Sterling Heights and Jessica Marie St. Clair, 41, of Lincoln Park are now behind bars. As you will see in the video, Gloria is pretty banged up. These creeps may have injured her, but they certainly did not break her spirit. I like your style Gloria Kevelighan.
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