Svetlana Bilyalova — Babe of the Day
This sexy Soviet is so hot she'll make you Svet. Get it? Her name sounds like "sweat," you guys. Pun game: flawless.
Svetlana Bilyalova is one of our very favorites in the Insanely-Hot-Russian-Model-We-Would-Never-Have-Heard-About-If-Not-For-Instagram genre, which is surprisingly bountiful. Judging by her nearly 5 million followers, a few of you have discovered this IHRMWWNHHAINFI as well. Congrats to us all!
Plus her name is tons of fun to say out loud. Svet-la-na Bil-ya-lo-va. Oh Svetlana, we could never be mad at you. Just keep wearing those bikinis like only you can.