
Today’s Hipsters in 50 Years
Today’s Hipsters in 50 Years
Today’s Hipsters in 50 Years
This video was created for Social Media Week 2012. We always wonder what today's hipsters will be like in 50 years, well I bet this video pretty much nails it. I love the little old lady talking about her friend that would always post pictures of her food.
Elderly Woman Found Rotting In Chair
Elderly Woman Found Rotting In Chair
Elderly Woman Found Rotting In Chair
I can totally see this happening to me, no husband, no kids to check on me.  I am going to rot away just like this woman.  A 74 year old Missouri woman was recently found at her home, in a chair basically rotting away.  At the time she was found alive, but literally stuck to the chair.  Her skin was left behind when she was lifted.  So sad and so gross.