A family from Southfield were recently kicked off their American Airlines flight due to so many complaints from passengers who claimed the family's body odor was too unbearable.
Things turned a bit hectic onboard a plane leaving from Detroit to Orlando on Tuesday morning. Just before takeoff, a man collapsed with heart complications and passengers jumped into action to help save his life.
Adrenaline junkies are the craziest people on the planet. Watch as this guy jumps from a helicopter and soars towards a mountain. After pinpointing his friends location he flies toward the sign they are holding in the air. It's amazing how hard he blasts through the sign. I don't think the mountain would be that forgiving.
A 16-year-old boy flew from California to Hawaii inside of a plane's wheel well. Does that sound unbelievable to you? You are not alone. Some are saying this is completely impossible due to high altitudes, lack of oxygen and temperature.
Man has dreamed about flying since the dawn of time. Man has also dreamed about boobs, but we've always been able to get those. Flying is a different story. That is, until now.