grocery store

Kid Gets Exactly What He Deserves For Being a Jerk At Store [VIDEO]
Kid Gets Exactly What He Deserves For Being a Jerk At Store [VIDEO]
Kid Gets Exactly What He Deserves For Being a Jerk At Store [VIDEO]
I could care less if this video is real or staged. We all have witnessed kids behaving badly at a grocery store. Getting your ankles nailed by a cart is annoying even if it's an accident. This is no accident. Watch as a little creep kid gets exactly what he deserves after effing with the wrong guy at a grocery store.
MI Store Clerk Fired for Hugging
MI Store Clerk Fired for Hugging
MI Store Clerk Fired for Hugging
A Michigan supermarket clerk is now facing charges of assault and battery after a customer filed a complaint claiming the employee touched them improperly. The Plumbs Valu-Rite Foods in Whitehall has since fired the worker for his actions, which witnesses say was nothing more than a hug.