This is the most odd video I've seen in a long time. This guy is in a standoff with police while defending himself with a machete. The police tased him three times which did absolutely nothing. Finally, he just ends up running off. The odd part is how calm everyone else is around the situation. They just keep walking and go about their day like nothing is going on.
If you've seen any TV commercials for 'Machete Kills,' you probably noticed at least one of the badass tunes they use for the background music and have asked "who sings that?" Well, we've got the answers for you.
The latest trailer for 'Machete Kills' confirms what we pretty much already knew from watching the first one -- this movie is going to be so bad that it's good.
What do you get when you mix alcohol, a machete, and a watermelon? That's right, a trip to the hospital. Apparently, it's a lot tougher to be a ninja when you've been drinking. This guy makes a simple attempt to slice a watermelon in half and BOOM, instant gusher. I can't tell whether or not he lost any fingers but whatever he did, it's bleeding like hell.
Remember how old school radio jocks used to tell you, "Don't touch that dial," it's not just empty hype. Especially to one 40 year-old man from Lake Worth, Florida named Josue Rodriguez. To Josue switching off his radio station could could put your life in danger.
Sofia Vergara will be adding her acting “assets” to the upcoming Robert Rodriguez sequel ‘Machete Kills,’ with Danny Trejo returning as the knife-wielding ex-federale who has to try and prevent global war from happening by stopping a terrorist and arms dealer from launching a missile.
Initially I didn't pick up COD: Black Ops because I was mediocre (at best) at Modern Warfare. Now that I've seen the awesome trailer for all new DLC which includes a zombie campaign inspired by George A. Romero, I instantly regret not already owning it. Well done Activision, you win this round.
Ok, so I may be a bit late this week and took last week off. What's important is that I'm here now to tell you what DVD to watch this weekend. This week I'm going with a newer movie than usual: MACHETE!