I love shots like the next guy but if it requires me to wear a helmet, I must stand down. Apparently there's a bar in Russia that serves a cocktail that literally requires you to wear a helmet because you get slammed in the head with your shot before you drink it then get bashed over the head with various items including a bat, fire extinguisher, shovel and a keg to top it off.
Coolest couple ever! A Russian man recently married a pizza. This is not a joke. The ceremony took place at a pizzeria in the Russian town of Tomsk. According to reports, the man married the pizza because "It won't hurt him." I know it will always look good and taste good - so that is a bonus. However, it may hurt his waistline!
The dude in the center of the frame is a badass. Watch as a bunch of gangsters storm the restaurant and cause chaos. The guy at the table just sits there and drinks his beer! Just another day in Russia.
I'm rubber you're glue, if you get electrocuted metal may stick to you. Is that how the saying goes? If not, it should! Nikolai Kryaglyachenko of Russia was walking home from school when he stopped and stood against a light pole. You won't believe what happened next!
Man I love hockey. One of the most "violent" games out there. Getting in fights while playing hockey is just another day on the ice. However, this girl seems to have a bit of a temper. She hauls back and busts her stick on the helmet of the opposing player.
Spoiler alert, we are all going to die! Even you! Just how we will die is the question. I know one thing, I would hate to die with a foot up my ass. I don't know how I missed this story, so in case you did too - here it is.
Meet the Russian MacGyver! Watch what happens when this firefighter attaches some powerful hoses to a trampoline. Throw in some good Russian vodka, and this could be one hell of a party!