Here is just another story to spark controversy over gun control. Now before you decide to argue for or against what this woman did, let's look at a couple small things. If the kids are being jerks or causing a problem, bringing a gun into the situation isn't going to help.
This such bull. Four teenage girls in Pennsylvania attacked a mentally disabled woman for no reason, videotaped the beat down and then posted it on Facebook. Are you kidding me? These bitches need there butts kicked!
Underage drinking has been around for as long as there has been a drinking age, and it's undeniable that it can easily put teenagers in a dangerous situation. Now, thanks to Michigan governor Rick Snyder, teens who need help in a situation involving alcohol poisoning can go to authorities without fear of punishment.
According to The Onion, the parents of 13-year old Caitlin Teagart have decided to end her life, saying she can do nothing but lay on the couch and whine about things being "gay". I'm sure so many parents have felt this way from time to time. I've said " Don't roll your f*#king eyes at me" about a million times in my life.
Most 15 year olds suck at everything. Unless you're talking about having pimples and being dumb asses, cuz they are awesome at that. This teen is an exception though, check out his insane guitar skills.
Even when I was a teenager, I hated teenagers. I'm not trying to sound like a bitter old man, but teenagers think that because they have high school figured out, the rest of the world is theirs to take. I don't want to give these kids any more attention, but once you see this video, you'll be fuming too.
So who would have guessed bamboo needed a commercial. But it has one and it's sort of racist and really weird. If you have a neighbor hood filled with barking dogs, fighting teenagers, biker babes, and African tribes people then maybe you need a bamboo fence.