
Brazilian Soccer Fan Destroys TV During Celebration [VIDEO]
Brazilian Soccer Fan Destroys TV During Celebration [VIDEO]
Brazilian Soccer Fan Destroys TV During Celebration [VIDEO]
I know that the World Cup is a huge deal to many people around the world. I've watch quite a few games myself this year. I find it enjoyable to watch and have a beer with friends while watching. These guys though, take it just a bit to serious. It looked almost like he was actually trying to high five that player.
Thief Steals TV From Target, Skateboards Out Of The Store [VIDEO]
Thief Steals TV From Target, Skateboards Out Of The Store [VIDEO]
Thief Steals TV From Target, Skateboards Out Of The Store [VIDEO]
Florida police are on the hunt for a guy who walked into a Clearwater Target store, then left the store on a skateboard, with a 32' television set that he did not pay for. Authorities admit this is a first for them, and are determined to catch this creative thief. How difficult can it be to find a male in his early 20's, wearing a hoodie, and carrying or riding a brown skateboard in Florida? Read

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