Woman Drives Drunk With Unrestrained Toddler in Back Seat
A 31-year-old woman was recently arrested after a tow truck driver noticed her swerving like crazy all over the road and called 911.
According to WNEM, the Florida woman was driving drunk at more than twice the legal limit. She took two breathalyzer tests and registered a blood alcohol content of .200 and .187. In Florida the legal limit is .08. Oh, and did I mention she also admitted to being on Percocet and Xanax. This woman is a piece of crap on so many levels.
She now faces child abuse and DUI charges.
This reminds me of something I saw the other day. I was driving down Saginaw Street heading towards Grand Blanc and there was a woman driving and her kids were jumping up and down and bouncing all over the place. These kids had to be well under the age of 5, far too young to not be in a car seat. I couldn't help but think what would happen if that lady got into an accident. I mean, even a minor accident and those kids would have been seriously injured.
After I got home that evening I was filled with guilt and regret for not calling the police. So often I feel like it's just not my business. But could I truly live with myself had I found out something bad had happened to those kids?
On a side note, holy crap that lady in the pics has some big ass crazy eyes!
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