Back in the day when something awesome happened on Christmas, you could only spread the story by word of mouth. Now, thanks to the Internets (Reddit, more specifically), you can share your awesome prank gifts and more with the world. Check out the best stuff we found combing through random Christmas pics from this year.

  • Before and After - Christmas 20 Years Later

    This family recreated a Christmas photo from 20 years earlier. Not surprisingly, the dad is the only one who is wearing the exact same shirt.

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  • Hostess with the Most-est (Twinkies)

    This person must have one helluva teacher to give them a present, especially a box of the soon-to-be-extinct Twinkies.

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  • Awesome Present Wrapped in S**t

    Just when you thought Sarah Palin's book was the worst present ever, you uncovered a Nickelback CD hidden inside! Luckily, before you choke out the gift giver, you open the CD case and discover 'Call of Duty: Black Ops.' Well played.

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  • Awesome Present Gets Awesomer

    A new iPad is a pretty rad gift for your girlfriend, but probably pales in comparison to an engagement ring. It's also a pretty good litmus test for the marriage. If she was disappointed about not getting the iPad, this dude should probably abort the mission.

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  • The Opposite of the Last Gift

    The alternate title for this one was "The Gift That Got You Dumped." Unless of course the giver was trying to tell his partner, "I love you, but not enough to marry you."

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  • A Jackson 5 Christmas

    Now that's clever!

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  • Don't Jinx It

    While this is an impressively creative light display, take it from a guy whose house burned up on Christmas Eve when he was 4 -- don't jinx yourself.

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  • Best Blanket Ever

    It's usually a pretty sad day when your favorite concert t-shirt gets ruined or becomes unwearable. It also usually sucks getting a quilt for Christmas. Somehow, adding the two crappy experiences together create an awesome result. You figure out the math on that one.

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  • Like Father, Like Son

    Nothing says I'm proud to follow in your footsteps like literally showing your old man how much you are like him. Note: This one would probably be much less impressive had the son duplicated his arrest record and mugshot and had it framed.

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  • Christmas Pie Filled with Sarcasm

    According to the Redditor who posted this, his father had a pizza pan on his Christmas list for years, but no one would buy it because it seemed like a lame present. It's amazing how much personalizing a gift can make a difference.

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  • Makeshift iPod Dock Saves Christmas

    You can't have a good Christmas party without music. Luckily for the one this guy attended, he had learned how to make a poor man's iPod dock via Reddit, thus saving an otherwise lame holiday shindig.

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    imgur via Reddit

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