To hot for TV?   That is the rumor in regards to 30 Seconds To Mars video for  "Hurricane".  The video was scheduled to premiere today on MTV at 5:00pm.

The 20 minute  video  directed by Jared Leto could actually be described as a short film.

According to internet gossip and postings between band members "The Man" has ruled the video too risque for television.  In a twitter post band member Tom Milicevi says:

"The internet is still restriction free and the "Hurricane" film will be seen".  He goes on to say "Do not blame MTV.  They are not "The Man."  It is the man above "The Man".

Jared Leto describes the video/short film as a "mediation on the violence of sex and the sex of violence".   Okay? Not sure if I get it but I am certainly curious.  Google it!

30 Seconds To Mars

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