It seems most women want to shrink their ass, not enlarge it.  However this was not the case for one British woman.  I blame Kim Kardashian and her world famous behind.

20 year old Claudia Adusei died in Pennsylvania Tuesday after receiving silicone injections in her bottom.  Adusei traveled to the U.S. from London, England for the procedure.

This should of been the first red flag.  She did not go to a hospital or office for the injections, she went to a HOTEL ROOM in Philidelphia.  Very bad decision.

After the shots were administered she began to experience chest pains and had a hard time breathing later that night.  She was then taken to a hospital and  unfortunately died.

Obviously authorities are trying to locate the two girls that gave her the shots.

Such a waste.  Heads up girls there are push up pads you can buy for your butt if you need a little lift back there.  Like a push up bra for the ass.

Chris Monroe can show you his if you are interested.

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