Boil Filtered Water Advisory For Flint City Customers
There's a boil filtered water advisory for all customers of the Flint City water system.
According to ABC12, a 24-inch water transmission main broke in the area of 12th Street and VanSlyke Road near the General Motors facility.
Apparently, a contractor and crew were demolishing a bridge and broke the water main. They tried to shut off the leak but lost water pressure which can cause nasty bacteria to get into the system so to be on the safe side a precautionary boil advisory is issued for the entire city.
If you plan on cooking, making ice, washing dishes or brushing your teeth, you should boil filtered water for one full minute. Obviously, you should do the same if you plan on drinking the water.
ABC 12 also reports that tap water must be filtered before boiling because boiling unfiltered water can cause worse effects from lead. Any Flint water users in the city of Flint not using a filter system should run their tap water for seven minutes before collecting any to boil.
Hopefully, the advisory is lifted by Friday morning.
Please refrain from making any lame Flint water jokes, thank you.