
5 Apps Flint Needs Now
5 Apps Flint Needs Now
5 Apps Flint Needs Now
There is no denying that The People of Flint, like myself are extremely proud to call The Vehicle City their home and I think our smartphones should reflect our Flint pride. We work hard and play harder (that isn't an erection reference, but feel free to giggle) we demand apps tailored to our needs. Tha...
Retro Games & Terrible Audio
Retro Games & Terrible Audio
Retro Games & Terrible Audio
Back in the day I played a lot of these video games and always thought how awesome the graphics were and how real the audio sounded. Listening to the attempted speech in these 50 primitive games sounds ridiculous now.
10 Awesome Facts About the Internet You Didn’t Know
10 Awesome Facts About the Internet You Didn’t Know
10 Awesome Facts About the Internet You Didn’t Know
And because we can't do cat videos all day every day,* here are ten amazing facts about the internet. From how many likes there are on Facebook daily to the actual weight of the internet, this video just might blow your mind. (Hence the title.) Learn something new today, so you can watch a cat stuck in a jar over and over guilt-free!
Yo! Home – Apartment of The Future
Yo! Home – Apartment of The Future
Yo! Home – Apartment of The Future
I can't even imagine trying to live in a big city, spending thousands of dollars in rent, just to live in a tiny apartment. Simon Woodroffe has created something from out of the future that basically allows the transformation of a tiny apartment into a big one.
Facebook Reaches One Billion Users
Facebook Reaches One Billion Users
Facebook Reaches One Billion Users
You know what's cool? One billion users. OK, now that that's out of the way, lets discuss the big Facebook news, which is that the social network  recently topped one billion users. This amounts to about 15% of the world's population.
Can MySpace’s Hip Makeover Win You Back?
Can MySpace’s Hip Makeover Win You Back?
Can MySpace’s Hip Makeover Win You Back?
Remember back in 2005 when Myspace was cool? We blogged about our crush from middle school science class, took those "what would you do if..." surveys, and felt honored when we made it into someone's "top friends" box. Those were the days.

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