Subway rocks as far as I am concerned.  Five dollar f ootlongs?  Hell yeah!

Check this out.  A Subway in Florida was selling more than just footlongs.

One sandwich artist was serving up weed to anyone who asked for "double meat".

TC Palm is reporting that people who asked for "double meat" on their subs were given a bag of weed with their order from Elizabeth Hunt.  Customers would then put $10 into the tip jar for the weed.

This seems pretty stupid to me.  I go to Subway a lot and hear people order double meat all the time.

I am sure some people just wanted the double meat and ended up with a surprise side of weed.

You would also think other employees would want to split the tip jar.  But by the looks of this chic, I bet no one messed with her.

Undercover officers eventually busted Hunt.

I wonder what people are trying to sell when they ask, "Do You  Want Fries With That"?

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