Employee at a Meijer Store in MI Told She Couldn’t Wear ‘BLM’ Mask

An employee that works at a Meiler store on the west side of the state was reportedly told she wasn't allowed to wear a Black Lives Matters mask while she was on the job.
According to WXYZ, Tamika Sullivan was called into her boss' office last month after just an hour of work. She told a local news station that there was apparently a customer who complained about the mask.
She claims that she was told to either take the mask off or flip it inside out. So she decided she wasn't going to do either and went home instead.
Tamika Sullivan:
I started crying and I broke down because I really felt like my rights were getting taken away from me. They told me that it can’t be political, but it’s not actually political. It’s three letters. And because of one customer complaint?
Frank Guglielmi, senior director for Meijer’s corporate communications:
Meijer has specific guidelines for team member uniforms, which include face coverings. We provide all our team members with face masks and if they choose to use their own mask, they need to adhere to our guidelines for neutrality.
If there are certain guidelines that Meijer employees are supposed to follow, well then I understand why she's not allowed to wear it. I also think it's total crap that someone would complain about a woman wearing a 'BLM' mask. You can't do anything anymore without someone getting butthurt about it.
She says she was wearing the mask for a week but no one said anything about it. That's normally how it works, it doesn't become an issue until someone complains.
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