If you are trying to get back together with an ex, biting his or her lip off is not a move in the right direction.  A Utah woman is recovering after her former boyfriend bit off a majority of her lower lip.  Flowers may have been a better idea.

The Salt Lake Tribune is reporting that the man admitted to having some drinks and wanted to talk to his ex about getting back together (because discussing things like that after drinking is always a good idea).  The woman had no interest in rekindling the relationship and asked the man to go.  No such luck.  Instead of taking no for an answer the man decided to kiss the woman.  When she tried to pull away, he bit her freaking bottom lip off!

This a-hole did not stop there. Aside from her lip injury the woman ended up with various bruises and a swollen eye.  The topper is he did all of this to her in front of her 3 year old daughter.  This guy is a super douche!

The biting boyfriend has been arrested and is facing multiple charges. I hope someone bites something off him in jail.

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