Craigslist is great for finding cheap cars, a possible drunken pregnancy, and cheap-ass furniture just waiting to adorn your Flint-town house. Here are five of the best, or worst couches that you can get on Craigslist in Flint for 100 bucks or less. Take a look.

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    There Can Be Only One ... Couch

    Yours for $50

    Couch (Loveseat) - $50 (Linden)

    Here's a couch perfect for that 'Scottish Highlands' themed man cave. This will add the perfect amount of plaid to the room decorated with sabers for tossing and bagpipe wall scones.

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    Moving Day Special

    Yours for $100

    White Leather Couch - $100 (Flint)

    It appears the movers couldn't fit this couch through the door. Instead they sent the moving trucks to the new house and posted the couch on Craigslist. A loss for the home owner; a gain for you.

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    Shockingly Great Deal

    Yours for FREE!

    Free Sectional Couch (Corunna)

    Here's the main piece of a sectional with dual recliners and a massage feature for free. Don't mind the wax stains, it's just inexpensive waterproofing. All you need is the AC adapter to get the awesome massages -- hopefully there's not a short, or your guest could get a little zap.

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    Obviously Not a Chair

    Yours for $30
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    South of the Border Couch

    Yours for $100

    Couch and Chair - $100 (Swartz Creek)

    All there is to say about this 'modern' couch -- it looks like a piñata threw up all over this one. At least you won't have to worry about stains.


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