I've always been from the school of thought that tragedy + time = comedy, but is it too soon for this Flint water crisis spoof video?

That is the very question my two co-workers (that star in the video) and I were asking ourselves when we first came up with the concept for this video. We understand that the Flint water crisis is a disaster on multiple levels. We all came to the conclusion that, at some point, it has to be okay to make fun of how the government (both local and state) has handled this situation. Thus, this video was born.

All we really did is take their denial of the situation (a thing that actually happened), and take it a step further by imagining what their next step would have been. As ridiculous and hammy as it is, the only way the situation could've gotten more unbelievable is if they made a video like this.

So when you're watching this, just remember that this is a jab at how ridiculous our Local and State Governments have been throughout the Flint water crisis -- not a slam against the people of Flint. If you are looking for more serious coverage on the subject -- we have plenty of that, which you can see by clicking here.

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