Godsmack are ready to dig deeper into their 1000hp album with their new single "What's Next?," and the track will have a special tie-in, as well.

During an appearance on Syracuse's K-ROCK radio station, frontman Sully Erna revealed plans for a military campaign that will accompany the song's release. "The best part of releasing the single is we're gonna do a whole campaign, because the lyrical content to the song is about the only thing that is certain is life and death, but what's next? So we're doing a whole campaign with the U.S. military -- all the men and women of the U.S. armed forces -- we're teaming together with them. We're gonna do a whole campaign to help out homeless vets, to help out guys with PTSD, all that stuff. We're just gonna do a whole thing for an awareness level, for a bit of inspiration. It's noble. Just a lot of great things."

Erna goes on to add, "The whole concept of the record was, really, going back to the roots of Boston and part of our history of that was we were, as people know, a big part of the Navy [promotion]. We used to be … we were the recruit song for six years in a row. So we wanna kind of bring it back to that as well. And we're such big supporters of the U.S. troops. We don't support war -- we wanna be clear about that -- but we support our troops and what they have to do, and how they put their lives on the line for us every day so we can live in a country like this."

Erna also reveals that the band is also trying to coordinate with the Boston Red Sox Home Base charitable organization, which has doctors teaching training to other physicians on how to deal with patients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Check out Erna's full interview with Syracuse's K-ROCK above. Stay tuned for the "What's Next?" single and video, coming soon, and look for Godsmack on tour at these locations.

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