Governor Whitmer May Consider Stopping A Trump Rally In Michigan
Well this is sure to fire up a lot of folks, and spark countless debates (arguments) on social media.

According to the Associated Press, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer said recently she 'would think very seriously about' trying to block Trump from hosting a rally there if he wanted to. Governor Whitmer went on to say quote,
'We know that congregating without masks, especially at an indoor facility, is the worst thing to do in the midst of a global pandemic.'
Regardless if you are for the rally, or against it - keep in mind nothing is set in stone. Before you get yourself fired up on either side, wait until you have a reason to be angry or happy.
I did go to a political rally once. Jon Bon Jovi was playing at Oakland University many years ago, and I went to see him. I honestly cannot remember if it was for Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. I do remember waiting in line for what seemed like forever. For me, it was worth it to see Jon Bon Jovi.
That being said, I don't think I would wait now. I am too impatient, and I am honestly not to keen on being that close to strangers at this time. I read that people camped outside for days to be a part of Donald Trump's rally this past weekend in Oklahoma. There is no way I could wait outside five days for anything, could you? Would you?
I once waited outside of a mall to buy Guns N' Roses tickets. My plan was to stay overnight, but unfortunately someone got stabbed and we all had to leave. In case you are wondering, I did end up getting tickets eventually.
MORE: Some Fun Photos From Michigan's Past
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