Guess Who From Banana 101.5 Is Part Of ‘Real Men Wear Pink’ With The American Cancer Society?
Tomorrow is the kick off of 'Real Men Wear Pink'. Someone on the Banana staff will be raising money for the American Cancer Society throughout the month of October - and wearing pink.
Who do you think it will be? Tony LaBrie, Chris Monroe, Derek Sorenson, Free Beer, Hot Wings or me? The ambassador from Banana 101.5 will be revealed during a ceremony at the Genesee Valley Mall tomorrow at 7:00 pm in center court. You are certainly invited and encouraged to join us at the event and find out if your guess is correct.
Our real man in pink will be able to start taking donations for the ACS at the event. The goal is to raise $2500 by the end of October. I know for sure with your help our Banana 101.5 man in pink will exceed that goal.
Throughout the campaign we will let you know how you can help our man in pink meet his fundraising goal. Real men do indeed wear pink and our man is going to kick ass raising funds for the American Cancer Society. I hope to see you tomorrow night at the Genesee Valley Mall.
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