How Much Are You Willing to Pay to See Blink-182 in Detroit?
Tickets to see Blink-182 at LCA are going to hurt your wallet.
Blink-182 has reunited for a massive world tour starting in 2023. Tom DeLonge has returned to join Travis Barker and Mark Hoppus and fans have gone crazy. The question is though, just how crazy are they and how much will they pay to see the reunion tour?
At the time of writing this article, Monday, October 17th, 2022 at 11:10 am EST, tickets for the North American Tour at Little Caesars Arena were pretty pricy if you ask me. The cheapest tickets I could find through Ticketmaster were $190 each. Between the price and the location of the seats, that is a horrible deal. They are nosebleed seats in sections that are located BEHIND the stage!

Yes, I know that these are all "resale" tickets and scalpers are trying to make a profit. Scalpers are the devil. It's just annoying that people can't just be normal and not try to scam everyone else. If you were lucky and signed on at 10 am this morning, you might have been able to snag some for less than that. I had a buddy secure a few for only $129, which is way better. However, good luck getting them that cheap now Jack!
If you want to be in the general admission pit area, you better start saving up because those seats were $674.99 each! Also, keep in mind that on Ticketmaster right now, you have to buy two tickets minimum. So if you and your buddy want to get in the pit for Blink-182 at LCA, get ready to fork over $1,349.98. However, it doesn't end there, because that is before the extra $323.57 in service fees and order processing fees.
SEE ALSO: Mark Hoppus Tried to Buy Blink-182 Tickets But Couldn't
I'm sorry, but that is just insane, especially if you compare those prices to the prices of the When We Were Young Festival that they are on the bill for in Vegas next year. General admission tickets for this entire festival were only $249.00 and that show includes well over 40 bands!
Sure, I'm positive that fans will pay this amount for tickets, but unfortunately, I won't be one of them. I would love to go, but those prices are not even remotely in the realm of reality for me.
What do you think? How much would you be willing to pay realistically for this show? What do you think ticket prices should be? Let us know in the comments.
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