Brace yourself, the worlds greatest band in the universe of all time EVER, Ironsnake, has added a new member. Allow me to introduce Krissi Dixxx.

Kelly Christenson Photo
Kelly Christenson Photo

Like you, I was curious as to where Krissi Dixxx came from. After seeing him for the first time, my guess was a coal mine. I was wrong. To get the real story on the added guitarist, I went to Ironsnake creator and founder - the one and only Dee Dee Sleez. I asked Dee Dee to fill us in on the new member, here is what Dee Dee had to say,

'Member' is right! Well, I’ll keep it short... (yuck yuck yuck!) Krissi is a fellow starving musician that I got to know through our work down at “Cockadoodle Dudes”, a male “Go-Go” lounge.

This was obviously when the music business was being less than kind to Ironsnake. During that time, Ironsnake was on hiatus and as you know, many bands were stealing our music and living high on the hog thanks to our superhuman, songwriting prowess.

The members of Ironsnake were hard up. Seriously, we were going down. We were deep in the valley and no way to pull out. But thanks to Krissi, he gave me the steely resolve I needed to resurrect the the legacy of Ironsnake, from the annals of history.

As we poured ourselves into our nighttime dancecapades at Cockadoodle Dudes, we began a long and meaningful relationship, an artistic relationship that could only be described as a shot of musical Viagra! It’s like adding another arm or a third leg! And there you have it, we now stand tall and strong, with a new member, engorged with love! Love, for all things ROCK! Cum see us rock hard this Saturday night at The Machine Shop!'

Hell yeah I will be there Dee Dee! Do not miss the annual Ironsnake Halloween Bash this Saturday, October 26th at the Machine Shop. Be sure to wear your best devil costume for a chance at winning $500 cash in the Devil's Devil Costume Contest.

Wait there is more, for the first time ever A$$hole Rose and his Appetite for Dysfunction band will be performing 'Appetite For Destruction' in its entirety. Be sure to get there early to check out openers The Devils Devils. This is one party you do not want to miss.

The Machine Shop/Ironsnake
The Machine Shop/Ironsnake

Tickets are on sale now, only $10 in advance. 18 years of age and up welcome, with proper ID. Costumes are not required, but are certainly encouraged. I look forward to seeing you Saturday night. IRONSNAKE RULES!

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