Big cities are fine, but does anything really beat the charm and style of a good old-fashioned American small town? From their charming streets to their warm-hearted community spirit, these places embody easy carefree living with a little bit of originality that's all their own.

Michigan can lay claim to a slew of small towns considered our hidden gems. After all, isn't that kinda what Midwest living is all about? Just our "best" could make up a top 100 list, but someone decided to broaden the view just a bit. Far & Wide recently put out a list of the "100 Best Small Towns in America" to give us a cool travel bucket list for summer.

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Now, that may seem like a pretty big number and that making the list isn't that impressive, but when you consider how many small towns there are across the country, it's a game changer. This particular list focuses on those lesser-known towns with 10,000 residents or fewer.

"From New York and L.A. to Chicago and Miami, the United States is home to some of the buzziest big cities in the world. But anyone who’s enjoyed a quiet afternoon swinging on a front porch or hiking up colorful mountains knows America’s small towns are, in their own way, just as appealing", F & W wrote.  

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What Michigan Small Town is Considered One of the Best in America?

One of Michigan's favorite vacation spots landed on the list of the Best Small Towns in America, and we can clearly understand why. Picture-perfect sunsets over the glistening waters, and sandy beaches kissed by gentle breezes – Saugatuck is a haven for locals and tourists.

Tucked away along the shores of Lake Michigan, Saugatuck offers a little of everything in small doses from the arts, to food, to just a place to catch your breath and chill. Here's what caught the eye of Far & Wide:

"Why it’s a great small town: Every summer, people from all over come to Saugatuck to enjoy Oval Beach. Once you’ve had your time in the sand, try local wines at Fenn Valley Tasting Room.

Fun fact: Saugatuck was an art colony during the 19th century."

Pure Michigan rings true for sure with Saugatuck, and just about any other charming small town we get to call ours.


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Grand Blanc's Mintor Manor is All You Thought It Was and More

The stylish modern home on Perry Road known as Mintor Manor has had residents curious about what the inside looked like for years. A few years back the home was on the market and we had a chance to take a look thanks to the listing by Lasco Real Estate Group. The home sold in May of 2022 for $560,000.

Gallery Credit: Lasco Real Estate Group