Macomb County Sheriffs Office Raises Some Eyebrows With Elf On A Shelf Photo
Everybody is in the holiday spirit and one of the traditions in the past decade to really blow up is posting photos of Elf on a Shelf getting into all sorts of holiday mischief. He's also there to have a little holiday fun, which is what the Macomb County Sheriff's Office has been getting into the past few days.
But their Day 4 of Elf on the Shelf photo adventure has a few people torn on whether they should find it funny or a little degrading. The photo they posted last December 4th shows their Elf, "Snitch," sitting and watching two inmates play chess, none of which look too pleased:
Day 4! Snitch is exhausted from his work out yesterday so he has decided to help with a round in the jail, He found these two men in an intense game of chess and decided to stick around and watch. Everyone was on their best behavior knowing Snitch reports directly back to Santa. We especially loved that when we entered this particular unit, one of the men already knew our Elf and actually called him out by name.

Thoughts On This
On one hand, the office did state that they never make anyone take a pic with Snitch, and that it's always at their choosing, siting that "everyone in our building is human."
On another hand, the inmates don't look too thrilled, and someone pointed out that their response doesn't acknowledge how disrespectful the post was. Regardless, another person took the middle road and is trying to do something nice for all parties involved:
My company would like to buy all the inmates and staff pizza PM as it won't let me pm you. My heart to all staff and inmates who have to be away from their families for Christmas.
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