With all of the newer video games out there these days one game has stood the test of time and is more popular than ever.

The iconic football video game Madden turns 30 this year. Wait. What. 30? Hard to believe it I know. The original game which started out back in 1988 was only for computers using the MS-DOS program and then went to the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis gaming platforms in 1990.

Over the years the game has turned into an international craze. Having tournaments that pay out big cash prizes. Crazy to think that people get paid for playing video games. Thanks for taking away my Nintendo as a kid mom. LOL

Of course, there is the Madden curse. Whoever is on the cover of the video game seems to have a horrible year on the filed or get hurt. Well, that has gone to the waste side over the past few seasons. The first player to be on the cover was in 2000 with running back Eddie George.  Check out the link to all of the past covers of the game. I might even have to break my PS3 out and play some to get ready for the NFL season which is coming up quick.

Source: NFL.com and Cardboardconnection.com and TopStats Via Youtube


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