‘Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes’ Opens This Week
Finally, Marvel fans from across Michigan can come together and check out this awesome exhibit.
I am a big nerd and extremely excited that this exhibit is finally opening. When I first heard about this late last year I couldn't wait to go. Now, we all finally have our chance. The Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes exhibit opens this week and Henry Ford Museum. Originally, this exhibit was going to be open to the public in March, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was put on hold until now.

The Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes exhibit contains over 300 artifacts from Marvel. You and the family will be able to check out sought after pages, costumes, and props. The exhibit will also feature soundscapes and set pieces. Unfortunately, some of the interactive features of the exhibit may be closed to maintain the safety protocols put in place.
For those wanting to visit this awesome exhibit, be sure to plan ahead. Time has become limited and with protocols to keep everyone safe, space is limited too. The exhibit will be open on the following dates from 9:30 am through 5 pm:
- July 16th through 19th
- July 23rd through 26th
- July 30th through August 1st
For ticket information and safety protocols, click here.
I am a bit bummed out that not all of the exhibit will be "open" for business, but still extremely excited to check it out. Since Motor City Comic Con was canceled this will be the next best thing for the family and myself.
Source: Henry Ford Museum
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