MI Drivers Now Required to Slow By 10 mph When Passing Emergency Vehicles
There's a new law in Michigan which will require drivers to slow by 10 mph below the posted speed limit when passing emergency, maintenance or utility vehicles that are on the side of the road.
According to ABC12, A law signed Thursday by Gov. Rick Snyder mandates that motorists slow by 10 mph below the posted speed limit and, if possible, move over a lane when passing a police or emergency vehicle on the side of the road.
When this law goes into effect in mid-February violators will be fined $400.
I have absolutely no problem with this since I always slow way down anyway for anyone pulled over on the side of the road. I'm sure this will be a huge challenge for some of the a**hole drivers out there but hopefully, this will force them to slow down. Emergency responders need to be protected and this is a step in the right direction.
At the moment the only requirement is to proceed with caution and move over when passing emergency and utility vehicles. That's simply not enough to protect those on the side of the road.