Michigan Attorney General to Open Investigation Into ‘Unlock Michigan’
Earlier today, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced that she is going to launch an investigation into the group 'Unlock Michigan.'
Unlock Michigan is described as a coalition of concerned Michiganders who believe that Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s crushing lockdown of life and business across Michigan is a dangerous threat to our livelihoods and constitutional liberties.
According to WNEM, Nessel says, there are allegations that the members associated with the group may have engaged in criminal activity in collecting the signatures.
Attorney General Dana Nessel:
Our democracy is firmly rooted in the principles of an informed electorate which makes decisions at the polls based on reason and beliefs over lies and deception. Our ballot initiative process allows efforts with strong public support to be presented to the Legislature. But that process becomes tainted when petition circulators manipulate and cheat to serve their own agendas. My office will investigate these allegations, and if there is a violation of law, we will prosecute those responsible.
In other words, it's being said that Unlock Michigan collected bogus signatures from Michiganders. The Attorney General's office said they had gotten complaints from residents who were told they were signing petitions to support LGBTQ rights, medical marijuana and other things.
I feel like we're living in a world where no one can be trusted. I know this kind of stuff is nothing new but it still just makes me sick.