Michigan Teen Uses Snapchat to Rob Multiple Men
3 Michiganders including a 19-year-old are being accused of using Snapchat to lure men in to rob them.
According to WNEM, 19-year-old Sara Rowles, her 21-year-old boyfriend, Jackson Krosweck, and his friend Finzie Jones were charged Friday with armed robbery. Apparently, the 19-year-old used Snapchat and lured at least five different men to meet up with her, then she had the guys get into a car with her as they thought they were going to engage in some sort of sexual activity. At that point, the three would rob the victims by gunpoint.
I'm sure this isn't the first time something like this has happened with Snapchat or other social media platforms. Hell, you hear horror stories all the time about stuff like this happening with Craiglist.
It's hard to feel bad for the victims as they should have known better. You don't go and meet someone alone that you've never met before.
The robberies took place in the Warren area.