Nine Old-School Drive-In Theaters in Michigan to Check Out Before Winter
There's nothing like a night at the drive-in movie theater.
There is something about seeing a double-feature at a drive-in movie theater that is just awesome. As a kid, packing up the sleeping bag, a pillow, and your favorite stuffed animal to head to the drive-in was exciting. You knew you were in for a double-feature and staying up way past your bedtime.

As a teenager, you gathered up your friends to hang out at the drive-in despite not even being there to watch the movie. You would typically hang out near the concession stand or play football in the aisles, which inevitably ended with you getting yelled at by a parent or kicked out.
As a young adult, the drive-in was a place for a good date night...where you didn't much care about the movies either and did, you know, date night things. I guess we can leave that one at that.
Finally, as an adult, the drive-in movie theater provided you the opportunity to check off a lot of boxes and save some money. It's way cheaper to take the family to two movies at the drive-in rather than one at an actual theater. Also, when you are in your upper 20s and 30s, you can smuggle the s*** out of snacks and save even more money. In your 40s and above, you're really just the driver and can take a nap for a few hours.
Check out nine different places in Michigan where you can still find these old-school drive-ins to relive some of those experiences.
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