North Branch Days And Fireworks Cancelled
Unfortunate news, but not a surprise - the annual North Branch Days festival has been cancelled.

According to The County Press, the annual fun filled event was cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions and to keep the community safe. North Branch Days Committee Chairperson Mary Oliver said the decision was not an easy one. I totally get that. Hometown festivals are a key part of summer. Not only are they tradition, festivals draw people from all over, and that means revenue for local businesses.
North Branch Days is not the first summer festival to be cancelled, and I am most certain it will not be the last. Social distancing in large groups will continue to be an issue. Although you may be ready for 'business as usual', there are people that are not ready. Do what is right for you.
I am willing to sacrifice fun if it means keeping people safe. I am the person still wearing a mask in the grocery store, and will continue to do so. I love seeing more businesses open up to, but I will be cautious, and only go where I feel comfortable. So you know that means I will be going to a bar today. All kidding aside, I will be venturing into some of my favorite spots for shot and some food, I just hope other patrons follow the restrictions that are put in place for our safety. I will limit my shots, so I am sure to do the same.
Looking ahead to 2021, here is to the return of North Branch Days, bigger and better than ever.
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